Network Pricing and Brand Management
BCMC specializes in negotiating payment network incentives and pricing agreements that take into consideration every aspect of the payments business. Effectively managing the payment networks that a financial institution participate in (Visa, Plus, Interlink, MasterCard, Maestro, Cirrus, Star, Nyce, and Pulse) can provide cost savings and create new sources of revenue. BCMC works with financial institutions to get the best prices and incentives with the payment network brands that fit their business best.
Credit, Prepaid, Debit, and ATM Processing
BCMC expertise in negotiating Credit, Prepaid, Debit and ATM processing agreements insures financial institutions fees are competitive. BCMC provides guidance on card portfolio best practices along with making sure a processor is the best fit for a financial institution.
Card Portfolio Services
BCMC helps financial institutions and corporations maximize their existing card programs and launch new products and services:
Compliance with Durbin Amendment Debit Network Routing Rules
Helping financial intuitions safe guard interchange revenue and choose the right network partners for PIN and Signature Debit. Helping financial institutions over ten billion in assets navigate the net compensation rule in the Durbin Amendment.